Host an event at Wave!

We offer flexible space for you to host the events you’ve been dreaming of. Performances, workshops, and even private parties are possible!

Event Types & Costs

Host responsibilities

Wave has no paid employees! In order to keep our fees so low, we ask all event hosts for public events to take responsibility.

  • There is a lot to plan for and consider when throwing an event. As host, it’s your job to project manage your event from start to finish. What kind of event will you throw? Who is going to be your staff (ID/ticket check, security, servers, bartenders, etc.)? How much will you charge guests, if anything? Do you need a bar/liquor license? What kind of amplified sound needs do you have?

    And the list goes on…

  • Part of joining Wave’s membership and hosting events in our space is access to collective marketing perks like our event calendar and Instagram. While we will absolutely get your event on all these channels, we need your help with materials. It’s up to you to name your event, write a catchy blurb/description, and make an event flyer for us to share.

    Many past hosts have also opted to post about their event through personal channels and other 3rd party services like SF Fun n Cheap, Eventbrite, SF Station, etc.

  • We pride ourselves in having a space that works for so many different types of events. We have a lot of things on hand that you might need, but we don’t have everything. If you have a complicated event we encourage you to book a time with us to check-out the space and even do a dry-run.

    Event amenities on site include: 25 chairs, three 6’x2.5’ tables and two 4’x’2 tables, a disco ball and disco ball lights, and a speaker system*.

    *Please note: we do not have a proper PA system. Most musicians opt to bring their own set-up.

  • You should plan to: put all the furniture & supplies you used back where you found them, wipe down counters/tables, take out the trash, sweep and mop the space before leaving.*

    Before finalizing your event, we will ask you to give a credit card. If you don’t follow the provided cleaning check-list, we may have to charge you a cleaning fee.

    *Private party hosts are always charged a cleaning fee.