Gallery hours
While currently we don’t have regular hours, we’re open for events many days a week (which you can check on our calendar linked in the menu). We’re also working on opening more regularly very soon and currently have a coffee popup every Sunday from 9am-1pm.
Sometimes we’re here more often. If you see us open, come on in and say hi!

Guest Curator: Tanya Wischerath
Tanya Wischerath will be curating a show in our space for the month of January!

Quickest Flip
The mission of Quickest Flip is to promote the inclusion of artwork by artists with disabilities into the contemporary art world. They partner with over 30 progressive art studios across the country (studios that work with artists with developmental disabilities) and will be inviting them to submit artwork for this exhibition. They will also invite local Bay Area artists to be featured in the exhibition - creating an inclusive showcase.
Wave Group Show
Ali Rae Hunt
Amy Lange
Anita Margrill
Frances Berriman
Layne Takahashi
Mario Vail
Nathaniel Bice
Peipei Li
Vivian Hou

Counter Photo Collective
Counter Photo Collective will be guest curating a group photography show in our space for the month of July!

Spring is a time of renewal; we clear out junk in our homes, welcome new plants, and open our minds to new possibilities. This May, we are also celebrating the re-launch of Wave Collective Space as an official LLC. Join us for the opening reception on May 6th from 6-9pm!
View & purchase available works here.
• Katherine Akey @katherine.akey
• Charlotte Beck @charlottebeck_artpractice
• Kristin Brown @kristin_brownn
• Lauren Fitterer @lolofittz
• Victoria Hollis @whascii
• Justine Kaemmerlen @justine.kaemmerlen
• Dottie Lo Bue @dottielll
• Jenna Melnyk @jennaleighceramics
• Sarah Morin @sarahnm
• Helia Pouyanfar @heliapouyanfar
• Philippa Renshaw
• Selby Sohn @selbysohn
• Angélica Turner @angelicaturner_
• Joanne Wang @joannewangart
• Audrey Wang
Performance pieces:
• Hannah Fhaye Oliver @hannahpresencefhaye, “Restrict & Release in iii parts” (5/6, 6/2, & 6/22 @ 7pm)
• Selby Sohn @selbysohn, “Escape Cube” (6/2 & 6/22 @ 7pm)

Change Your Mind
Come experience piece of interactive theater as Change Your Mind takes over Wave Collective Space for the month of April!
"Change Your Mind is the world's first clinic to offer fully custom personality adjustments. Our experimental technology unlocks rapid and dramatic changes in identity, habits, anxiety, agreeableness, and much more, all from the comfort of our luxurious San Francisco clinic. For less than the cost of a single session of traditional talk therapy, you can have a brand new personality—in days instead of months."
Appointments are available almost every Thurs-Sun throughout April 2023. View specific time slots & reserve on the website:

Wave Group Show
Join us for the opening reception of our 3rd group show, curated by Jamila Keba.
Najah Alboushi
Louis Anderson
Andrew Bass
Shawn Cook
Rachel Godin
Evie Hidysmith
DeOnna Martinez
Special thanks to Evie for making this beautiful flyer!

Celebrating Ronnie Goodman
Join us in celebrating the life and work of SF artist, Ronnie Goodman!
Ronnie was a prolific artist and marathon runner who used to have a small art studio in the back of what is now WAVE. His art hangs in City Hall and was also exhibited in the museums of modern art in San Francisco and New York after his death in 2020. Having experienced both incarceration and homelessness, his work often dealt with these themes. Ronnie was part of the Prison Art Program in San Quentin, Precita Eyes Muralists, and Hospitality House art program. We couldn’t be more proud of this creative legacy of our space Haight St.
He Had Wings (2022) is a short documentary film about Ronnie, homelessness and the streets of San Francisco.
Please join us for a reception and film screening on 2/2!
Reception with WAVE bar: 6-8pm
He Had Wings Film Screening: 8-8:30pm
Ronnie’s work will be on display at WAVE from 1/30-2/5 if you can’t make the screening!

WAVE Group Show
Katherine Akey
Sarah Fecher
Julie Forbush
Sarah Polcz
Angélica Turner
Mia Yuzon
Counter Collective: 2 Year Anniversary Show
Victoria Campa
Alina Celik
Malindi Jo Walker
Eloise Kelsey
Jenny Magruder
Sasha Netchaev
Essi Westerman

WAVE Group Show: Emerging Artists
Jamila Keba
Alex Ritter
Jason Sterm
Jenna Melnyk
Elliott Alexander
Maria Enomoto
Nahuel Battaglia
John Guida
Sarah Moss-Horwitz
Philippa Renshaw
Drew Saucedo
Iris de la Torre